Thursday, November 12, 2015

Transcendentalism Art - 2

Evan Hopes
Transcendentalism Art - 2

“Man With Two Cows” (1844) by Christopher Pearse Cranch
An obvious implication of transcendentalism is the direct connection between nature and the divine, ideally without any religious practice necessary. As a landscape painter, Cranch ventured out into nature in search of the miraculous, something that would touch his soul, and this is essentially what he found. It embodies the spirit of nature and the undying power it holds, and how it can be accessed by man. 

Transcendentalism Art - 1

Evan Hopes
Transcendentalism Art - 1

"The Oak Tree in the Snow" (1829) by Caspar David Friedrich
This piece represents the passage of time and how it affects nature. Friedrich painted it during an elongated period of introspection. During this period, he identified the true power of nature, and how it can be utilized by man. This piece however, demonstrates how it has been wasted, if not taken advantage of now, will soon fade into permanent oblivion. 

Transcendentalism Song - 3

Evan Hopes
Transcendentalism Song - 3

"Numb" by Linkin Park (0:21- 0:51)
This song also displays the concept of individuality, one highly related to transcendentalism. The lyrics describe a situation in which one feels limited and influenced by another, preventing one from being truly individual. It also describes how a limiting presence in one's life should be avoided at all costs. As Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "men measure their esteem of of each other by what each has, and not what each is." Nobody is more familiar with your potential than you, and those who limit it do not truly understand it, and should not only be avoided, but entirely opposed and learned from.

Transcendentalism Song - 2

Evan Hopes
Transcendentalism Song - 2

We Weren't Born To Follow by Jon Bon Jovi (0:52 - 1:22)
This song also demonstrates transcendentalist themes, including individuality and connection to nature. The lyrics inspire the listener to believe in what you believe, and to never be afraid to support said belief. The lyrics also explain how one's beliefs hold great power, and that power can do great things. As Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "to be great is to be misunderstood." Only you know your beliefs and only you can determine how you use them. Others may misinterpret your beliefs, yet that should be no detriment to you and your beliefs.  

Transcendentalism Song - 1

Evan Hopes
Transcendentalism Song - 1

Let Me Be Myself by 3 Doors Down (0:38 - 1:02)

This song expresses many themes relevant to transcendentalism, and judging from the title, the most prominent being individuality. The lyrics describe a scenario in which one feels trapped, possibly even lost behind the path of another. The solution to this difficult scenario is found through accessing one's inner self, due to the fact that one cannot tap in to one's full potential if one cannot embrace one's self. As Ralph Waldo Emerson writes, "A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and done his best." No man knows his heart better than himself, thus, nobody should tell man what to do, or do anything to limit his potential.